
How to send data wireless to other pc

                        How to send data wireless to other pc

                                                                                                                      by:Navprabhat Singh       

Need of making data transfer wireless is shown in figure given below :D 

Now i will show you a method to handle this scenario :      

how to send a data(movie,software,pics,any other file)without connecting your pc to our friend.

    Today i m going to tell u how to send a file (movie ,set up ,.exe file or any file )wirelessly.


Here are the simple steps which you have to follow...

1.Go to where u found a set up just download it...

share data online

2.after that install it.

3.after installing a icon of team viewer is created on your desktop .just click on it.

4.wait for sometime it will provide u a unique id and password .pass change every time but id      
     remain same .
5.on left side .he will ask u about ur partner id and after that for pass.

share data online

6.biggest disadvantage is that ur partner must have on the same log ...means he should also access the teamviewer otherwise u will not be connected.

7.u can also remote control on other pc.or can transfer a file .

8.when u enter the id and pass of ur partner ..a new window will open which contain all ur drives in left side and ur partner drives on right

9.just click on whtever folder u want to get destnation folder and click on receive .

10.but remember ur partner is able to see whatever u r doing. never cheat on anyone.

12.this will work fast if u have strong internet file tranfer rate is 1mb/s or more than that ..any song i transfer transfer in 2-3 secs( 5 mb song or more). try this it will help you out.


it can be accessed from both side .but remember the person  is able to see your private data also. so trust is important.

data sharing over internet

                                                                    hope you like it....

Thank you....                                  


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