
Windows 8 for android

    Windows 8 for android user completely free

free windows 8 free
So You are a android user and want to use windows 8 in our mobile ,so don't worry here is a solution. Now i am going to provide you a way to download "windows 8 for android -software "for free.With the help of this software you can easily run windows 8 operating system on your android mobile.

 Windows 8 for Android is an application which allows the Android user to experience some of the features of windows 8.However if you will try to download the same through Google Play store, it will ask you to pay Rs 110.96 but here you can download completely for free.

How to use the software... need to download a software from the above link . As for your information that "Windows for android" software will be in android format i.e ".apk" .
2.Without interrupting the software , transfer it to your android mobile.
3.Install it in your mobile and enjoy the feature. 

                                                                 for u....

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