
How to Create Shutdown Shortcut in Windows 8

Rohit Maheshwari
Many of us find tedious job to shut down your windows 8 PC. You have to take your cursor to the right hand corner of the screen then the pop menu occurs then select the power option and finally click on shut down, a fairly long procedure so today we will learn how to make a shortcut to shutdown windows 8 faster. And the procedure goes by following the steps below:

Step 1
Select the basic procedure of creating a shortcut by right click the home screen and selecting the shortcut button. You will see the window below:

Rohit Maheshwari

Step 2

Now type the command to shut down windows, under the heading "type the locations of the items:"
shutdown.exe -s -t 00

Step 3

Click on next and give a name to your shortcut like shut down button or simply shut down and finally click on finish to complete the procedure.

Step 4 (Optional)

You can change the icon and select the power off icon or shut down icon by clicking the properties of the shortcut and selecting the change icon button.

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