
Gramiksha ek udaan sapnoo ki....

Gramiksha is an NGO, formed by students. We aim to educate people in villages and promote education among the poverty-ridden and ignorant sector in India. We also provide them with books and conduct workshops to make education entertaining. Our work is to create interest among students for education. We donate books, install medical facilities, make the school’s environment hygienic and also organize activities and workshops.

It is a recently formed organization and our team is composed of students and graduates from schools and   universities. We don’t promise to make the entire India literate and change the circle of education, but we do promise to make a difference in Indian literacy rate and hopefully, it will do wonders for us.
                                 Its an “Initiative”, we finally decided to take !!!!

                                                            Join us

Only few of us will bother to look beyond what we see on their faces..But we as a team work for these little heads. We care for to take out a day or two out for them from our daily lives weekly and try to give them a share of happiness and values that they deserve from all of us.

”Gramiksha” our organization which works to uplift their lives by indulging them into extra curricular activities , by making them share their words , by motivating each one of them to stand out of the crowd.. We try to look beyond what they tell us and what we see through so that we can help them with our own solutions.We are not Ministers or Officers we can not make special rules for them, we can not give them shelters, we can not assure them of a job…but we can at least make them capable of achieving something better, we can give them a world of their own where they can dream, share, yell, dance and do what they wish and develop themselves into a better individual with more of moral values. 
Its just we try to look beyond our eyes, do you??

                                        A Hand for a hand can change the world

A video that can show you our effort to bring a happiness in their lives as much as we can, and you can also contribute to gramiksha by taking an initiative....

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