Showing posts with label computer pranks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer pranks. Show all posts

How To See Or Hack Someone's Whatsapp Messages through Pc Or Mobile

You can keep an eye on somebody's WhatsApp in a few diverse courses, both for iPhone and Android telephones. Here we investigate the system of Mac Spoofing, the principle technique of spying for WhatsApp through another telephone and we will discover how to utilize the Web WhatsApp to keep an eye on other individuals from your PC. In the end I'll talk around a propelled apparatus called Mspy that will enable you to perceive any data on the casualty's telephone regardless of whether you are not well informed.

The expression "How to keep an eye on WhatsApp" is a standout amongst the most looked on Google. The reason? All things considered, you can envision the appropriate response. Sweethearts, lady friends, spouses, and husbands are largely classifications of clients have their "justifiable reason" for needing to peruse the messages of someone else. On the net there is false or erroneous data that can prompt failing of the application.

You might be likewise intrigued by figuring out how to screen your youngster's telephone.

Keeping an eye on WhatsApp discussions isn't troublesome, yet you need to know how to do it. Here we recommend just three safe techniques that have been tried by numerous clients, which chips away at both iPhones and Androids. These strategies to check WhatsApp messages of others are extremely viable, and it regards know them to protect against them.

We advise you that keeping an eye on WhatsApp messages is unlawful, however all things considered regards know about those and knowing what to look like after yourself against conceivable assaults.

How to spy on WhatsApp messages with the technique of Mac Spoofing

This free technique to keep an eye on discussions has certain means that can seem complex. Truly, there is nothing so confounded. Simply take after precisely the means and everything will be OK. Anybody can utilize the spying method of Mac Spoofing. 

P.S. The strategy of Mac Spoofing chips away at both Apple iOS and Android cell phones. 

Before you begin, how about we perceive how does Mac Spoofing work. 

Macintosh Spoofing utilizes Media Access Control to keep an eye on WhatsApp. It is a security code comprising of letters and numbers. Every versatile has its own particular that is not the same as others. It's additionally called a physical address or Ethernet or LAN address.

How utilize the procedure of Mac Spoofing 

How about we see, now, what are the fundamental strides to see WhatsApp messages of others with this technique? Here is the thing that you require: 

Our telephone on which we have introduced WhatsApp. 

The cell phone of the individual you need to keep an eye on (it takes just two minutes). 

Now, the initial step is to recover the Mac Address of the individual you need to keep an eye on, and record it. The code that we require has a structure this way: 06: B3: 92: F4: 34: AC. 

Settings > General > About > Wi-Fi Address. 

To discover the Mac Address on an Android: go to Settings > About telephone > Status > Wi-Fi MAC address. 

On the off chance that the telephones are associated with a similar line Wi-Fi, you can discover the Mac Address specifically from a PC or Mac: 

> On Windows: Click on the PC symbol related the association (at the base ideal by the date). Snap "Open Network and Sharing focus". Go to "Change connector settings". At that point, click with the correct catch on the symbol of the system card that interests you. Go to "Status". Tap on "points of interest". The Mac Address coordinates the code alongside "Physical Address". 

> On OS X/Mac (Apple's working framework, don't get mistook for the Mac Address): Go to System Preferences> Network> Advanced> Hardware. The Mac Address is the principal data that you find in the window.

Presently you need to take after the accompanying advances: 

Uninstall WhatsApp from your versatile. 

Change your Mac Address with the one of the individual you need to spy (Many application do this, and we propose WifiSpoof for iPhone and Busy Box for Android). 

Re-introduce WhatsApp on your telephone, being mindful so as to enter the telephone number of the individual to keep an eye on when required. 

Ask the initiation code through SMS (WARNING! The code will be sent to the telephone of the individual you need to keep an eye on. The telephone must be with us. Record the code and afterward erase the message to maintain a strategic distance from to be gotten in the demonstration). 

Re-set the first Mac Address on your telephone. 

On the off chance that every one of the means were performed effectively, WhatsApp will consequently show every one of the messages, photographs and recordings of the individual you're spying.

Keep an eye on messages from PC with WhatsApp Web 

In 2015, WhatsApp propelled WhatsApp Web administration to utilize the application straightforwardly on a PC or Mac. This, notwithstanding, has additionally acquainted an extraordinary hazard with the wellbeing of clients. Keeping an eye on messages, truth be told, is extremely straightforward. Simply claim the telephone of the individual you need to keep an eye on, and get to the WhatsApp web benefit website by entering the QrCode. Once signed in, it stays associated until the point that you log out. Thus, simply restore the telephone and leave the PC turned on (maybe with the Google Chrome window limited to abstain from being gotten). After that minute, each discussion will be shown on your PC. 

This method is illicit, and it is appeared here for enlightening purposes as it were. To secure yourself, we prescribe not give your telephone to others individuals. 

N.B. Know that because of the most recent WhatsApp refresh, a pennant may show up on the screen of the casualty's telephone educating them that the is another gadget from WhatsApp web signed into their record. 

Subtly keep an eye on somebody's mobile phone with Mspy 

Mspy is a propelled device that will enable you to keep an eye on messages sent and got on any texting applications which could incorporate, WhatsApp. 


Mspy is in reality extremely basic and a more compelling answer for keep an eye on somebody utilizing WhatsApp. 

Mspy is one of the main organizations that are currently offering government agent programming and applications for Androids, iPhone, and Windows telephone. This product will give you a chance to screen all movement on the casualty's cell phone or tablet without them knowing which is a better than average thought for somebody to play criminologist and keep an eye on others. 

You will have the capacity to see everything that has been sent and got from that individual's telephone, for example, their telephone calls, instant messages, voice message, perusing history, and interactive media content that has been sent or got and numerous more things. The application likewise offers the opportunity to get the constant guide position by utilizing worked in GPS arrangement of the telephones casualty meaning you can see their correct area consistently. 

The Mspy application is anything but difficult to download and introduce. Regardless of whether you are not educated you will at present have the capacity to run this program is the means by which straightforward it is. Considering the amazing plan and all that Mspy can do with its select highlights you would hope to need to pay more for Mspy in any case, the cost of Mspy is extremely reasonable. The MSPY application has turned out to be extremely successful and the client bolster that others have really gotten has additionally gotten high stamps from clients. 

On iOS gadgets, the product does not need to be jailbroken. 

Underneath you will locate the primary highlights: 

Programmed programming refreshes 








Home bases 


iOS iMessage 

Facebook emissary 


Call Log and phonebook 

Program history 

EmailPhoto and video 

Introduced applications 

SIM change warning 

GPS following 

day in and day out live help 

How does Mspy function? 

Mspy is exceptionally easy to utilize and introduce. The initial step of the procedure is to really purchase the application and after that download the application so you can introduce the application on whoever your objective or casualty may be's telephone. Establishment just takes a couple of minutes and you needn't bother with any exceptional specialized aptitudes to download this program. 

At whatever point you at long last download the program you will have the capacity to perceive any data on the casualty's telephone regardless of how private it might be. You will likewise have the capacity to get to their telephone data from your PC too. This ought to be bounty enough for you to at long last have the capacity to sign on to your dashboard on Mspy and get all the data you are hunting down on your casualty's telephone. 

When you have introduced the spyware, you will have the capacity to get to more private data of the casualty from your PC or cell phone anyplace. It's sufficient to sign into your record and will see everything about your telephones casualty on the dashboard.

Access Blocked Websites

rohit maheshwariThis is a very useful trick specially for school and college students as many websites are blocked in colleges. 
This is a very famous and easy to implement method by proxy websites.

There are many proxy websites which can be used to access blocked websites. Use any of the following websites :-



Simply open the any of the above two links and enter the url of the blocked website and enjoy surfing.

For queries and troubleshooting feel free to contact.

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Thank You.

Verypdf PDF password Remover

DO you ever get a pdf file with 

password and you don't know 

what to do with that . So, don't 

worry today i am going to 

represent you a Verypdf  PDF 

password remover, which 

remove all the password from the 

file , so that you can easily get 

the file.

A PDF password remover (also called a PDF password cracker, password reset, or password recovery tool, depending on its ability) is a program that can be used to either find, remove, or bypass the security on a PDF file that prevents you from opening, printing, or changing thePDF file.

Most PDF password cracker tools fall in to one or more of three major categories: tools thatrecover the PDF user password, tools that recover the PDF owner password, and tools thatremove the PDF owner password allowing full access to the PDF file.
The majority of PDF password remover tools cost money but there are also plenty of free PDF password removal, recovery, and cracking programs and the best of them are verypdf PDF password recover.
Installation Instructions:
  • Install program.
  • Use Keygen to get Valid serial for registering application.
  • Done, Enjoy.
CLICK HERE to download the Set up
Enjoy Cracking....
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Panda Cloud Antivirus 2.1.1

Lightweight antivirus programs that have very good detection rates and do not clog the system they're supposed to defend used to be a rare sight not so long ago. Nowadays, cloud-based solutions are to be easily identified in this software category and among the best there's Panda Cloud Antivirus Free.

The interface is quite pleasant and eye candy, with all the functions quite at hand. You can easily start a scan, view reports concerning your previous scans, tinker with its settings. All these are within a single click from the main window

Panda Cloud Antivirus protects you while you browse, play or work and you won't even notice it. It is extremely light as all the work is done in the cloud. 

Panda Cloud Antivirus provides you with the fastest protection against the newest viruses thanks to its cloud-scanning from PandaLabs' servers. 

Panda Cloud Antivirus is truly install and forget. Don't worry about updates, configuration or complicated decisions ever again.

Click here to download

Cloud Antivirus 2.1.1
File size:
40.56MB (42,533,904 bytes)
Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Multiple languages
Date added:
February 20, 2013
Panda Security

#You have to risk it ,to get the biscuit..

Facebook Addiction is Affecting our Mind Badly

 In february  2004, when facebook was launched , No one can predict that facebook will going to be a largest social network of the world . Today, facebook has million of users, only because we are interested in others life.People from every age group are present on Facebook and the number of teens are more. This have become one of our daily routine activity that we cannot live without Facebook now. Facebook Addiction captured us so badly that if we are away from computer/laptop then we try to access this on our cell phone, tablets, palmtops or any other device.
Scientist keep doing many researches on human physiological behavior and on their attraction towards facebook.

Facebook and Internet addiction can have damaging effects, such as a decrease in our attention span — in fact, since 2000, our collective attention span has decreased by 40%.

Signs of Facebook addiction.

1.Over Sharing:At a time when many netizens are concern over the issue of privacy online, it’s strange to find that there are still a number of us who voluntarily share our deepest secrets about our intimate lives on Facebook. It has perhaps a lot to do with the gratification of being acknowledged or approved by our peers. As I’ve mentioned in an earlier article, The Psychology of Facebook, such social affirmations by our friends in our network is a key draw of social networking sites.

2.Checking your Facebook Whenever Possible:This means checking out for any updates to your newsfeed or responses to your posts every time you don’t know what to do. In other words, the default choice for your freetime activity is to be on Facebook. So what do you do? You leave your Facebook open in the background, switching between work or assignments to the page every few minutes. Even when you are outside enjoying a drink with a friend, you log in to the Facebook app on your smartphone every now and then during brief moments of non-interactions.

3.Overly Concerned with facebook image:Have you ever spent more than fifteen minutes of your time thinking about what you ought to type for your status update? After you’ve decided on what you should update and posted it, do you eagerly anticipate how others will respond to it? This is what it means when I mention your ‘Facebook image’. To some extent, we are all concerned over how we project ourselves to the rest of the world, even when it comes to our online presence.

4.Reporting on Facebook:Most of us have seen friends in our network who almost certainly never fail to appear on our newsfeed each time we log on to Facebook. It could be some status update, check-in, posting of their photos and such. Their posts tend to be on very mundane matters, much like how someone reports to another what he or she is doing at any given moment. They report to you their daily routines (e.g. taking a piss), broadcast check-ins to uninteresting places like the street they live in, upload self-portraits and such.

5.Mad Rush to more Friends:There is a perceived ‘arms race’ between you and your other friends to see who has the highest number of friends on their network.That Show a sign of Addiction.

6.Compromising Offline Social Life:As you get used to communicating on Facebook via messaging, sharing photos and posts, commenting and ‘liking’ others etc, it may come to a point when you get more comfortable socializing online than offline. You become over-reliant on Facebook to fulfill your social needs and may start sacrificing the time spent on real-life meet-ups for coffee with your friends.That’s not healthy.

Check Out the infographic Below  which show the facebook addiction:

How to Defeat Facebook Addiction:

1.Recognize the signs of facebook addiction.
2.Start questioning what you're doing on Facebook.
3.Decide what is of value on Facebook.
4.Try giving up Facebook for a specific event to see how you fare
5.Target solutions to enable smarter, brighter usage of Facebook in   
   the future
6.Be careful of the race to have as many friends as possible.
7.Avoid being a Facebook automaton.
I hope this article will help u....
                                                   for u....

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GiliSoft Video Converter 5.1.0 Full with Serial Key

GiliSoft Video Converter is easy, fast, reliable, and loaded with features. It's capable of converting videos of all popular formats like AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, and audio MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG. Now you can convert video, audio, andanimated images to play on your PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Xbox, Google phones, iPad and other digital multimedia devices.

No need to be worried about formats, frame rate or file sizes, the functions of video join, split and cut can be easily achieved by Gilisoft Video Editor. The video editing software allows you to edit video files in various formats like AVI, MPEG, H.264, SWF, MOV, WMV, etc. for playback on popular devices like iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, and so on. The three processes, video join, split and cut, can run in background without too much space occupation.
As a video joiner, splitter and cutter, Gilisoft Video Editor has an intuitive interface and makes it easy to turn original videos into works of art. And also you can watch the video in the preview window. Gilisoft Video Editor is well worthy of having a try.

Features and Benefits: 

•Cut/trim video 

It is a such an perfect video cutter to helps you get multiple trimmed video parts and lots of video editing functions are provided to help you make a great home movie.

•Cut/trim audio

To make a small audio clip from your favorite movie song,it help you cutting a MP3 file and save results into new MP3 files.

•Crop video

Crop video, remove black bars to focus area and convert video to desired video formats in one step.

•Split video

It can help you split large video file into smaller video clips. Split manually by dragging the slider to locate the split point. Or split automatically by setting split time or file size, or averagely.

•Rotate video

Rotate video 90/180/270 degrees.

•Join video

Quickly join video file without any quality loss.You can join many videos in different formats at one time and the format of output file will be one of the input formats.

•Join audio

Merge several audio files into one.

•Add watermark to video

Adding a text watermark or add a picture watermark to video.

•Add subtitle to video

Adding .srt or .ass external subtitles to any video formats

• Preview and capture pictures

The video edit software supports previewing the source video and target file. If necessary, you can adjust the sequence of output video file.

•Input File Formats Supported

AVCHD Video (*.mts, *.m2ts), H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4), MPEG2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg), MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts), MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts), Quick Time HD Video (*.mov), WMV HD Video (*.xwmv), Audio-Video Interleaved HD Video (*.avi)

•Output File Formats Supported

H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4), MPEG2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg), MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts), MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts), Quick Time HD Video (*.mov), WMV HD Video (*.wmv), Audio-Video Interleaved HD Video (*.avi)

•System Compatible

XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32&64)

  • Once you download the zip file,extract it and run GiliSoft Video Converter .

  • Now click on register.                                                                                                 

  • Now fill the above form using the following information :

Serial Key of GiliSoft Video Converter 5.1.0
Note- Do not edit anything .Just use as given

Registar Name:    Ââîäèòå ëþáîå èìÿ

Activation Kay:   24572-23362-21839-03471-04681


Fore more stuff ,Please visit -

#You have to risk it ,to get the biscuit..

Typing Speedometer Software v7.0

guys do you want to know how fast you can type . This software will help you to find your speed , so download it and test it .Because in software or app developing world speed does matters, So take your speed seriously.

Typing Speedometer Software
This software offers a solution for users who want to measure typing speed. When the user starts the test, a sample text appears in the top pane and the user types it up in the lower frame. The software includes a number of test texts and users can add more at any time. Once the test is finished the results show the accuracy percentage, the number of words typed per minute, the time taken, the number of correctly typed words and the number of mistakes. This easy to use software provides a good test for typists.

CLick here to download it

Enjoy Cracking....
                                                    for u....

Run android app such as WhatsApp on your Mac/Pc using BlueStacks

BlueStacks is the first production software that allows you to use your favorite mobile apps on a Windows PC. You can download apps like Angry Birds Space, Temple Run, Evernote or Documents to Go directly into BlueStacks, or sync the apps from your phone using the BlueStacks Cloud Connect Android app.


Step 1 - Installation

I'll consider this as a simple task. What you have to do is just download and install the BlueStacks App Player. For anyone who doesn't know what is it, BlueStacks is just an Android app player, a Virtual Machine wrapped for your PC (or Mac) with which you can run from games to regular apps, for Smartphones and/or tablets.

Click here to download

Step 2 - App Stores

After you finish installing it what you have to do is downloading and installing WhatsApp right? But, to accomplish it from any Android Smartphone or Tablet, normally you go to the Play Store and then you search for WhatsApp and after you download and install it. Yeah. pretty the same thing, but here you do not have the Play Store Having it means you have been certified from Google, but hey BlueStacks is not a Smartphone or Tablet, so they have to fill the gap, and this is totally done by their 1Mobile Store. You can find it by clicking on "App Stores" on top and after that 1Mobile app.

Step 3 - Download, Install and Configure WhatsApp

So, you opened 1Mobile app store and you found that is pretty similar to Play Store yeah? You're right  Go fire the search button in the top-right corner of BlueStacks screen and write inside "WhatsApp" and press Enter. You'll be returned with a list of apps matching that name, inside of if you'll find Whatsapp, click on it and then click the Download button.

After the download has finished, you will be prompted to install it. Just as usual press the Install button and you're done.

You finished installing and it and you're in fact ready to configure it. Insert your phone number, follow activation instructions and you're done.

So what you have to do here is just, be sure to use a phone number you're going to use only from Desktop and to share that number with anyone you care to chat with. In fact, you have to add also this numbers to your Address Book, and you can reach it directly by pressing the Menu button in the bottom-left corner of your BlueStacks screen and than doing Manage Contacts.

Install Windows 8 and Windows 7 on Same PC

Install  windows 8 and windows 7 on same pc

                                                                    by:Navprabhat Singh

we all familiar with the upcoming operating system that is windows 8. Is windows 8 better than windows 7?? or am i comfortable with  the new environment these are the question u have to ask to yourself.

In this post i am going to show you how to install windows 8 and windows 7 on same computer without any changes.

1.First, u have to download an ISO image from the URL given below.

2.After downloading the ISO image mount it's image by using daemon tools.

3.Now,go to the drive where u mount that image,right click on that and select Install option.

4.It will ask u to install windows 8 click on that, and wait.

installing windows 8

5.Now, the most important part, when u have done with all the steps given above a window will pop up that will be asking  for typical installation or custom installation. 

6.Click on custom installation  and follow through the given instruction.

7.A time will come when a window box will ask u to load drive, and it will also show your drives like C drive ,D drive e.t.c .Choose the drive where u want to install your windows 8.

8.Remember never choose the same drive where u have your primary operating system that is windows 7.

9.For example i have windows 7 as my primary OS in C drive so i will choose D drive to install windows 8. If u don't do that then u really going to mess up with your computer .

10.Now every thing is done u just have to wait for some time .

11.In between ,computer restart again and again itself so don't worry it's a part of it.

12.After some time a windows 8 is installed in your computer.

13.But there is a problem by default whenever you switch on the computer windows 8 will start running.

14.To deal with this problem you only have to change the priority of OS .

15.To do that switch on the computer and wait for some time untill windows 8 start page will appear.

16.Now go to My computer ,right click on that  select Properties.

17.Now a new window will pop up like a Picture  given below.

how to install dual operating system

18.Choose advance system settings and then Settings .

install windows 8 with windows 7

19.After that choose windows 7 and restart your computer .

20.Now u can see that whenever your computer is switched on,  it will ask you about which OS you want to Use .

windows 8 installation

21.Select anyone and enjoy Dual operating system on your computer.

windows 8

Enjoy Cracking....
                               for u....