Showing posts with label html5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label html5. Show all posts

HTML in 10 steps or less

learn html
Want to learn HTML ?
Interested in developing web pages ?
Here is a complete guide for you. Easy to learn right from the basic to the very deep level.

If you are building your own Web pages and need HTML solutions fast, then this book is for you-whether you're new to Web site authoring or you need a quick refresher on how to create a table. Open the book and you'll discover clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key HTML Web tasks, each presented in ten quick steps-or less. Easy-to-navigate pages, lots of screen shots, and to-the-point directions guide you through every common (and not so common) HTML challenge-and help you get more done in less time.
* Each solution is ten steps-or less-to help you get the job done fast
* Self-contained two-page spreads deliver the answers you need-without flipping pages 
* A no-fluff approach focuses on helping you achieve results
* A resource packed with useful and fun ways to get the most out of HTML
* Companion Web site provides additional detailed XHTML, hexadecimal color usage, and Web site planning references, pointers to useful Web HTML references, and code samples for download

Download the free e-book and start learning HTML with us.

To download the e-book click on the link below :

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Learn java-script and jquery

               Learn java-script and jquery  

I have posted an article on how to learn html 5 and css 3, But for any website designing these two things are not enough. Java script is the backbone of any webpage it controls the animation, effects and give a dynamic view to your webpage . java script gives a life to your webpage .

let's start how to learn java script from the basics .

1.First for the basics visit This Link.

2. After completing the course on the website given above ,now prefer to the books one by one which help you in mastering the course .

BOOK 1:Learn Java-script Step by Step.

this book contains the basic information about java script , you have to know all this things before moving to advance level.

javascript step by step

topic covered in this book....

  • Write and deploy JavaScript code with Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010, the Eclipse IDE, or text editors
  • Work with JavaScript syntax and data types
  • Use the Document Object Model to retrieve, create, and change HTML elements
  • Create rollover images and slideshow effects
  • Validate and provide feedback for user input on Web forms
  • Manipulate CSS styles and respond to browser events
  • Develop interactive Web applications using AJAX
  • Help speed development with JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery

Click Here to download ....

Book2: java script the definitive guide.

guys believe me this is an awesome book for any web designer,if you go through this book patiently and practice calmly then you will be a   good web designer in a few days .

Discover how to:
  • Dedication 
  • Preface
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Core Java Script 
  • Client-Side java script 
  • core java script reference
  • Client-Side java script reference
  • and many more

BOOK3: learning jquery

this is again a good book for understanding jquery ....

learn javascript

i hope you all like it....  

                                              for u.....

Getting started with HTML 5 and CSS3

      Getting started with HTML5 and CSS3

                                                  by:Navprabhat Singh
how to learn html5

HTML is a hyper text markup language which is used to develop a web page .Any page you see in a internet is a mixture of html and css. HTML has many versions ,latest is html5 .In this post we will discuss how to learn html and css.

HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of

tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>,

although some tags, known as empty elements, are

unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the

start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called

opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web

designers can add text, tags, comments and other types of

text-based content.

how to learn html

i will provide you a basic demo of all tags...

For heading....

tag is <h1>your heading</h1> 

if you change the h1 to h2 then it will become subheading..

and so on priority decreases as heading number increases.

All tags here ....

the images of html tag is given below which will help you a 

lot in understanding html...

htnl tags

Element tag name

HTML Styling Tags....

html element tags

HTML Colors..

html colors

Learn html....

i give you a link which will redirect you to a site where you can 

learn html from basics and not only that you can try it there . that

site have try it yourself section for practice .

Learn css3....

similarly, you can also learn css3 from that site .now you 

might be thinking why should i learn css3 as i know html?

css3 give a dynamic view to your website so that your 

webpage looks more attractive and be a part of attraction .

Go to both the tutorials and follow all the lessons at the end of the day you will definitely have a knowledge about html5 and css3 and even you can build your web page ...
try it will be fun...

html 5 and css3

hope u like it....
                           for u....